
Welcome to my website! My name is Kelly Robinson, and I’m a keen amateur wildlife photographer.

***APPOLOGIES! The website is currently being re-built and the majority of the photos are still missing. Fingers crossed it will be back to it’s former glory soon!***


Orca family off the Snaefellsness peninsular, Iceland

About me

I learnt photography in order to carry out my job as a marine mammal zoologist. I’ve since found that I love taking pictures of nature and animals, so I take my camera with me where ever I go. I get to travel around the world to conduct research in the field and I am a frequent visitor to zoos around the UK. Zoos give me a great opportunity to get close to exotic and unusual animal species and practise photographing them in the hope that I may one day get to shoot them in the wild.

I did my PhD on the behaviour and physiology of seals with the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) at the University of St Andrews. I am now continuing my work with seals and expanding it to include bottlenose dolphins in my post-doctoral work. This gives me many unique opportunities to get close to the various charismatic marine mammal and sea bird species we have in the UK. I have also been lucky enough to study large whales in Australia and the USA. If you would like to know more about my work as a zoologist, please visit my other website about my science here.

In 2013 I was short listed for the British Wildlife Photographer of the Year and during 2016 my photos are on display in Banham Zoo and the Cotswold Wildlife Park. My photos have been used by many organisations including Edinburgh Zoo, Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC), The Journal of Applied Ecology, Acabion motor engineering, the University of St Andrews, the Whale Centre of New England, the World Tapir Day Foundation and The University of Queensland’s Cetacean Ecology and Acoustics Laboratory. If you are interested in using my images for websites or publications, or buying a print for personal use then please get in touch using the details on my ‘contact me‘ page

Dusky Dolphins and Kelly Robinson
Enjoying my time with Dusky Dolphins

All images on this site are my own and are copyright © KJR wildlife photography. All rights reserved to Kelly Robinson
You may NOT use, replicate, manipulate, or modify any image without my written consent

12 thoughts on “Home”

  1. Excellent site Kelly! I especially like the wild puffin photos and the Bengal eagle owl and the close up of the European eagle owl…they are ace. Awesome.

  2. Amazing Kelly!!!! Bongos and baby otter pics are so cool!!!!! …. and the seals ………….. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  3. I’ve always said how great your photos are. It is brilliant to see them being shared in your own space, well done Kell I am so proud of you! X X X

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